Adidas Yeezy 500 'Super Moon Yellow' Shoe Is Returning In June, In Case You Wanted to Spend $500 To Look Like You Just Mowed The Lawn
Kanye West has been all over the place on Twitter lately with his usual month-long meltdown about how creative he is, how powerful creatives are, and all sorts of other shit he should probably be scribbling in a journal rather than tweeting to his 27.8 million followers. Why he's just now popping back with sage wisdoms like "when we become president we have to change the name of the plane from Air Force one to Yeezy force one", is because he's releasing two albums this summer and reigniting his notoriously ugly clothing line.
The thing I like about the Yeezy 500s is that they're a $500 shoe that looks like they were stained while mowing the lawn.
They also strangely resemble a dog that ate a bee.
All in all, they're ugly-ass shoes that look like they need to be taken to the vet, which means they'll sell like hot-cakes. You done it again Kanye.